Effective board work with a board portal
Over the last decade, the digital transformation has had a considerable impact on how board work is conducted. Effective board work has never been more important and working paperless is now the norm. It has never been more important to have easy access to all documents. A board portal has become a key tool for professional boards, and here we explain why your board should invest in one.
Digital board work is secure, simple and paperless
A board portal provides a simple way to work paperless with sensitive documents, and gives you a more effective board work. All documents are stored digitally and sorted into easily surveyable folders, as well as being available both online and offline. Digital board work offers better document control and more streamlined meetings. By incorporating electronic signatures, a board book, a secure messaging service, annotations and a range of other functions, the board portal simplifies the entire process for the chairperson, board members and administrator. The gains can be seen in board meeting planning, execution and follow-up.
Digital – the way forward
One of the main drivers for digitising board work is the facility for working out of office and out of hours with access to historical records. In a Board Portal, electronic signing has become the norm, and you are no longer tied to the office and its equipment such as printers and scanners. Electronic signing is a simple and secure way to validate documents. For the chairperson or administrator, not only does this simplify meeting follow-up activities, but it also gives full control of who has signed. If signatories have failed to sign by key deadlines, they can be sent reminders by SMS or e-mail.
Effective board work, Safe and sound
Sensitive topics that are raised in the boardroom and for which supporting board documents are prepared include budgeting, mergers and strategy. Unwanted disclosure of such board documents, whether internally or externally, can be harmful to the business. In a Board Portal, sensitive documents are stored safe and sound, and are accessible only to registered users with the appropriate access permissions. If devices containing offline data are lost or stolen, their content can be easily deleted remotely. Data security is of the utmost importance for Admincontrol and our customers, and our security measures and internal controls are founded on our ISO 27001:2013 certification.