Preparation portal
Kick start pre-due diligence with a 14 days free trial
“A complete trial with access to full functionality, state-of-the-art security and permium support”

How does a free trial work?
Sign up for a free trial and get instant access to your portal! There are no strings attached- the trial ends after 14 days.
You will get a dedicated client manager to help you get started. You can easily ugrade to a preparation portal or data room and your client manager is there to help you with this.
Please note that all the portal will be deleted after 30 days due to data privacy.

What is included in a preparation portal?
- Unlimited data volume
- Unlimited users
- Setup and indexing
- 30 minutes of training and project management from a dedicated client manager
- Easy upgrade to full data room
- Access to 24 / 7 support